Friday, March 26, 2010

Release of version 0.9.5 of Tonatiuh

On March 25, Tonatiuh version 0.9.5 was released. This new release of Tonatiuh is available for downloading at the program's main website:

This new version of the program offers the following improvements over the previous version:

  • It improves the shape plugin "Parabolic_rectangle" so that the new version of the plugin is better suited to simulate the geometry of rectangular heliostat parabolic facets.
  • It allows the user to select the "active side" of a surface from a Coin 3D point of view (i.e. just for representation purposes). This active side determines how the surface is illuminated within Coin and represented in Tonatiuh's 3D window. While it does not change the ray tracing behavious of the shapes, it can greatly improve the way it is visualized.
  • It adds a new button to the GUI that allows the user to change the view of the scene, in order to view it from the Sun perspective, i.e. from the surface from which the sun rays are cast into the solar concentrating system.
  • I adds a new entry to the View menu named "Grid settings..." which allow to change the overal dimension of the reference grid, as well, as the dimension of the cells that compose it.
  • It solve a bug in the program related to the export of the photon map in global coordinates.
  • It streamlines parts of the core raytracing functions of the program to speed it up.

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