This week we plan to finish a paper for the 2009 SolarPACES conference in Berlin, presenting the results of a preliminary comparison between Tonatiuh and SolTRACE, which is a optical analysis program developed by NREL to analyze the optical behavior of solar concentrating systems.
Basically, what we have done is to simulate three concentrating systems with both programs, and compare the results. The concentrating systems simulated are simplified versions of:
- The EuroDish parabolic dish.
- The LS3 parabolic trough.
- The NREL' SolarFurnace
During this week we will finish the analysis of the results provided by the programs, draw the appropriate conclusion, and include them in the SolarPACES paper, complementing the written presentation with tables, and graphics where appropriate.
Amaia will run the Tonatiuh simulations, Pierre and Rakel the SolTRACE simulations, and Manuel, with the support of Victor, will finish writing the paper for SolarPACES, and will upload it to the SolarPACES website.